Florida Pro Se Adopciones Familiares y los padres biológicos no localizados

Formularios de Adopción por Padrastro o Madrastra en Florida

But I don’t know where they are! – When birth parents can’t be located. One of the most common scenarios we encounter at Florida Family Adoptions is when we get a call from a relative (mostly grandparents) wishing to adopt their grandchildren, but they don’t know where the biological parents are.  Unlocated parents can present … Seguir leyendo

Entendiendo el Registro de Padre Putativo de Florida: Guía completa para adopciones por familiares y padrastros

Cómo navegar por las adopciones de familiares y padrastros: Guía para el Registro de Padres Potestativos de Florida Registro de Padres Potestativos: Introducción Navegar por el proceso de adopción puede ser complejo, y cuando se trata de adopciones de parientes o padrastros, es crucial entender el papel del Registro de Padres Putativos de Florida. Establecido en 2003 durante la Ley de Reforma de la Adopción, el Registro de Padre ... Seguir leyendo

Relative Adoptions and the Florida DCF

Florida DCF and Grandparent Adoption

You Want to Adopt, but DCF (Florida Department of Children and Families) has Sheltered or Placed your Grandchild or Relative in Foster Care? One of the most heartbreaking and common inquiries we receive at Florida Family Adoptions are relatives (usually grandparents) reaching out for help with filing a pro se Relative Adoption when the child … Seguir leyendo

Court Access in Florida: The View from Two Perspectives

Pro Se Florida Relative Adoption Forms

COURT ACCESS IN FLORIDA:  THE VIEW FROM TWO PERSPECTIVES Justice in Florida will be accessible, fair, effective, responsive, and accountable. ~ Vision of the Florida Judicial Branch – 2008 Over ten years ago, these words led the report from the Florida Supreme Court’s Commission on Trial Court Performance and Accountability addressing the issue of Pro … Seguir leyendo

Relative Adoptions in Florida

THE REAL DEAL ABOUT RELATIVE ADOPTIONS IN FLORIDA Over the past 25 years, the face of Florida families has changed dramatically.  As a result, there are more grandparents raising grandchildren and aunts and uncles raising nieces and nephews.  Adult siblings are stepping up to adopt and raise their younger siblings.  It’s only logical that the … Seguir leyendo

Help with Florida Divorce Paperwork, Fruit Cakes, and Other Sundry

help with divorce paperwork

No Need to Hold Out for National Divorce Day: Get Assistance with Divorce Paperwork Anytime You’re likely aware that almost everything has its own “National Day.” As I sit here on January 3rd, pondering what to have for dinner, I can’t quite decide whether to celebrate National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day, National Drinking Straw Day, … Seguir leyendo

Don’t Hit Snooze on Your Dreams!

Florida Document Specialists Daytona Beach

Dreams without action.  What do you have left?  Dreams. Some of the most successful people in history were dreamers, but they obviously did more than sleep… they took the next step. One of my favorite quotes goes something like this… If you don’t pursue your dreams, someone else will pay you to pursue theirs.  How … Seguir leyendo

Grandparent Adoption, Step Parent Adoption & Relative Adoption in Florida – The Advantages of Becoming ONE Family

Florida Stepparent Adoption Assistance and Forms

Adoption by Grandparents and Stepparents in Florida I have previously blogged about the mechanics of Florida stepparent and relative Adoptions, Florida grandparent adoption forms, and Florida relative and stepparent adoption forms.  Now I’d like to take a little time to discuss the many advantages and benefits of a stepparent or grandparent adoption, both personal and … Seguir leyendo

A Customer’s Visit to the Law Library for Relative Adoption Forms

A woman in South Florida called the other day.  She wanted to file relative adoption forms in order to adopt her nephew, who she has raised since birth. As a pro se party (no attorney representation), she was having difficulty finding the proper Florida relative adoption forms necessary to bring her case to conclusion.  She … Seguir leyendo

Florida QDRO

When couples divorce, one party may be entitled to a part of the other’s retirement fund(s). If a judge has ordered that you are entitled to receive a portion of your former spouse’s fund, you will most likely need more than just your Final Judgment of Divorce to make that happen. You will probably need … Seguir leyendo