Reasons for Having a Will

Reasons for having a Florida Last Will and Testament

So, you don’t have a will?  You’re not old, you don’t have any kids, and you don’t own a house. So why do you need one? It’s simple: a will ensures that your belongings go to the people you want them to go to when you die. And if you don’t have a will, the state will decide who gets what – which may not be who you would have chosen. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the top reasons for having a will, even if you think you don’t need one. From protecting your assets to ensuring your wishes are carried out, read on to learn more about why a will is an important part of your estate planning.

Why Everyone Needs a Will

When you die, your assets will be distributed according to state law if you don’t have a will. This means that your loved ones may not receive what you intended for them, and the process can be long and expensive. A will allows you to designate how your assets will be distributed and can help avoid conflict among your loved ones.

What Happens if You Die Without a Will?

If you die without a will, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of intestate succession in your state. Intestate succession is the default system of distributing a person’s assets if they die without a will. The laws of intestate succession vary from state to state, but typically, a person’s spouse and children will inherit their assets. If the deceased person does not have any surviving spouse or children, their parents or siblings may inherit their assets.

How to Make a Will

There are many reasons why you should have a will, but some people don’t know how to go about making one. If you’re not sure where to start to prepare a simple will, and if you don’t require legal advice, Florida Document Specialists offers low cost will preparation services.  We can also prepare other common estate planning documents such as a durable power of attorney, living will, and a designation of healthcare surrogate.

First, you’ll need to decide what type of will you want. There are two main types: a traditional paper will, or an electronic will.

Once you’ve decided on the type of will you want, it’s time to gather the necessary information. We provide a simple online questionnaire to help you provide all the required information.

When creating your will, it is important to include the following items:

  • Your full name and address.
  • The names and addresses of your spouse, children, parents, and other relatives.
  • Your assets and how you would like them distributed.
  • Any debts you have and who you would like them paid off.
  • Funeral and burial instructions.
  • Nominate a personal representative (a person or institution that will carry out the instructions in your will).

Updating Your Will

  • When it comes to your will, it’s important to keep it up to date. Here are a few reasons why:
  • You might have acquired new assets.
  • Your family situation might have changed (e.g., you might have gotten married, had children, etc.).
  • The personal representative named in your will might have died or become unable to serve in that capacity.
  • The laws governing wills and estates might have changed since you last updated your will.
  • You recently moved to Florida.

If any of these situations apply to you, then it’s time to update your will. You can do this by either revoking your old will and drafting a new one.


A will is an important document that allows you to control what happens to your property and possessions after you die. Without a will, the state may decide how to distribute your assets, which may not be in accordance with your wishes. A will also allows you to appoint a guardian for minor children and pets, ensuring that they will be cared for by someone you trust. Although it’s not required by law, having a will gives you peace of mind knowing that your final wishes will be carried out.

If you have any questions about nonlawyer preparation of estate planning documents such as a simple will, we would love to speak with you.