summary administration

Your Comprehensive Guide to Florida Summary Administration: Simplified and Affordable Non-Lawyer Solutions

Why You’re Here: Navigating a Sensitive Time

Welcome. The loss of a loved one is an emotional and challenging period. We understand that you may feel overwhelmed by legal processes and requirements, such as Summary Administration. We’re here to help.

Understanding Summary Administration

What Is Summary Administration?

Summary Administration is a simplified probate process in Florida designed to make the distribution of smaller estates quicker and less costly. Unlike Formal Administration, Summary Administration doesn’t involve lengthy court proceedings.

Florida Summary Administration Paperwork

Who Qualifies for Summary Administration?

In Florida, estates valued at less than $75,000, excluding the homestead property, or for decedents who have been deceased for more than two years, are eligible for Summary Administration.

Demystifying Common Misconceptions: There's No 'Letter' or One 'Form' in Summary Administration

Breaking Down Misunderstandings

People often confuse “Letters of Administration” with Summary Administration. It’s important to understand that these “letters” are part of the Formal Administration process, not Summary Administration.

The Reality of the Process

Summary Administration is not a single form. Instead, it is a comprehensive case filed with the court, which includes multiple forms, like petitions, affidavits, and joinders.

Clarifying the Court's Role

You’ll also need to prepare and submit proposed orders for the judge to sign, which are essential to the process.

Starting the Summary Administration Process: It's Easier Than You Think

First Steps

Begin by completing our online questionnaire. This supplies us with the essential information needed to prepare your petitions and other required documents.

Why Go the Non-Lawyer Route

Choosing non-lawyer options has several advantages that can benefit you during this emotionally and financially sensitive time.

Cost-Effectiveness: One of the most immediate benefits is the cost savings. Hiring a probate attorney can be expensive, often leaving a limited amount of funds for your family after legal fees are paid. Our fixed-rate services offer an affordable alternative without compromising on procedural correctness or efficiency.

Convenience: We understand that your time is valuable. Our streamlined process is designed for ease, with most of our services accessible online. You don’t have to take time off work to meet with an attorney or visit a physical office.

Transparency: With flat-rate pricing, you know exactly what you’re paying for upfront. There are no hidden fees, and we clearly outline the scope of services provided.

Personalized Attention: Our customers receive dedicated support from a document technician, guiding you through each step of the process. We conduct weekly status checks and offer timely updates so you’re never left wondering about the progress of your case.

Access to Remote Services: Through our complementary Remote Online Notarization (RON) service, we offer the flexibility for you to sign and notarize your documents online, meaning you can manage the process from the comfort of your home.

Peace of Mind: While we can’t offer legal advice, our team has extensive experience in clerical and procedural aspects of Florida Summary Administration. We ensure that all documents are prepared and filed according to Florida law, providing you peace of mind during a challenging time.

By opting for non-lawyer document preparation services, you take control of your case, empowered by knowledgeable support, without the high costs typically associated with legal representation.

Our Unmatched Services: We Stand By You

A Compassionate Alternative

Our family-owned business offers comprehensive, flat-fee solutions for preparing and filing all your Summary Administration documents. We provide services throughout Florida’s 67 counties and also assist out-of-state clients.

What’s Included

From preparing necessary court forms to e-filing petitions and proposed orders, we offer an all-in-one package tailored to your needs. A dedicated document technician will guide you throughout, ensuring you’re never left in the dark.

Our Customer-Centric Approach

Your experience is of utmost importance to us. Throughout the process, you’ll receive personalized clerical and procedural assistance, always geared towards your unique needs.

Our complementary Remote Online Notarization (RON) service allows you to notarize your documents online, without leaving your home.

Transparent Pricing: No Hidden Fees

The Cost Breakdown

Our document preparation, online notarization, and e-filing services are offered for a low, flat fee.  Please contact us to discuss your matter and to receive a quote.

Our quote will not include the court filing fee, which is generally $345 for estates valued at $1,000 or more.

Ready to Take Control? Here’s How to Start

Your Path Forward

Complete our online questionnaire to get started. We’re here to provide you with affordable clerical and procedural support.

Let’s Connect: We’re Here for You

Have Questions?

Reach out to us anytime via phone or our contact form. We also offer a handy FAQ section to guide you, whether or not you opt for our services.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Florida Summary Administration is a streamlined form of probate overseen by the circuit court. It's designed to expedite the asset distribution and debt settlement processes for an estate. Unlike traditional probate, which can be time-consuming and requires the appointment of a personal representative (PR), Summary Administration is quicker and eliminates the need for a court-appointed PR. This makes it a more efficient and often less expensive option for settling an estate.

Both Formal and Summary Administrations serve to settle an estate but they do so in distinct ways. In Formal Administration, a court-appointed Personal Representative (PR) manages the estate, whereas Summary Administration skips this step for a more streamlined process. This generally means a quicker, more budget-friendly distribution of assets.

In terms of paperwork, Formal Administration requires a detailed inventory and a final accounting of the estate's assets by the PR. Summary Administration, on the other hand, demands that you identify and specify the decedent's assets in the initial petition itself.

Notably, Florida law mandates the involvement of a licensed attorney for initiating Formal Administration. With Summary Administration, you have the flexibility to opt for non-lawyer services, offering you a cost-effective alternative.

So, if you're dealing with a simple estate with limited assets and no debts, Summary Administration could be your go-to. But for complex estates or those with beneficiary or creditor disputes, Formal Administration ensures thorough handling and distribution.

Yes, you certainly can. Contrary to common belief, Florida law allows individuals to file for Summary Administration on their own, known as "pro se" filing. You don't necessarily need an attorney if you have the legal standing to initiate the process. If you meet the criteria for Summary Administration, you can either manage it yourself or opt for affordable non-lawyer services to guide you through the clerical and procedural aspects.

Accordion Sample Description

No, that's a common misconception. In Summary Administration, the court does not appoint a Personal Representative (PR), which is a feature unique to Formal Administration. Since there's no PR in Summary Administration, there's no need for "letters of administration," and consequently, no mandatory requirement for an attorney, regardless of the number of interested parties. You can proceed either on your own or with the assistance of non-lawyer services to guide you through the procedural details.

If someone in Florida passes away without a will, also known as dying "intestate," the assets of their estate are divided according to Florida's intestate succession laws. These laws specify the order in which family members—like spouses, children, parents, and siblings—inherit assets based on their relation to the deceased.

If you're uncertain about how the assets will be allocated among the surviving family, we offer an online Florida Intestacy Evaluator tool. This resource can help clarify the legal procedures involved and identify which beneficiaries are eligible to inherit assets from the estate.


Cashing checks made out to "The Estate of..." is generally not possible through a Summary Administration alone. You'll likely need to contact the bank, insurance company, or other entity that issued the check to discuss canceling it and await a court-ordered summary administration to authorize reissuing the check to you.

If canceling and reissuing the checks isn't an option, you'll need to open an estate bank account to cash them. This typically requires a formal administration process, which means you'll have to hire an attorney. It's important to consult with the holder of the assets to determine the most efficient way to handle checks made out to the estate.

Incomplete information about a decedent's assets can pose challenges in a summary administration, particularly because there's no Personal Representative appointed to demand this information from financial institutions. In a summary administration, you're required to identify and specify the assets with precision. Financial institutions generally won't release such details to a pro se petitioner who lacks the authority granted by letters of administration.

If you have partial information, such as the last four digits of account numbers or an approximate value, you may still proceed with some confidence. However, if you don't have sufficient details, it's advisable to gather them by reviewing the decedent's personal papers or mail if possible.

For assets like real estate or homestead properties, information is usually accessible online. But for other assets like bank accounts or stock portfolios, a summary administration may not be appropriate if you lack complete information. In such cases, a formal administration may be more suitable to gather all necessary details.


Filing incorrect or incomplete forms for a summary administration can create setbacks in the probate process. Most court clerks use a checklist, often available online, to assess the completeness and accuracy of your submitted paperwork. If any element is missing or incorrect, your application might be rejected and sent back without specific guidance on what went wrong.

It's important to note that court clerks generally aren't authorized to offer legal advice or help you correct errors. While some clerks or pro se coordinators may kindly point you in the right direction, such assistance is more the exception than the rule. To minimize errors, consider referring to local court websites and administrative guidelines to ensure your summary administration forms align with both Florida statutes and local court requirements.

Determining eligibility is a critical first step before filing a Petition for Summary Administration in Florida. To be eligible, the estate must meet one of the following conditions:

  1. The total value of the estate's assets, minus any exempt property, should not exceed $75,000.
  2. The decedent must have been deceased for at least two years prior to filing the petition.

Additionally, if the decedent left a Last Will and Testament, it must not mandate a formal administration under chapter 733 of the Florida statutes. If the will does specify formal administration, the option for summary administration without attorney involvement is not available. Make sure to carefully review the will and assess the estate's value to determine if summary administration is an appropriate and viable option.

Technically speaking, it is possible to process a $10 million estate through summary administration without legal representation if the decedent has been deceased for more than two years. The two-year stipulation makes the estate eligible for summary administration, regardless of its value. However, the appropriateness of using summary administration for an estate of this magnitude should be carefully considered, given the complexities and risks involved in administering a high-value estate.

The first action to commence a Florida Summary Administration is to obtain the necessary forms and file a "Petition for Summary Administration" with the circuit court in the jurisdiction where the estate falls. Typically, this is the county where the decedent lived at the time of passing. If the decedent didn't reside in Florida but owned real estate there, then the petition should be filed in the county where that property is located. The petition can be submitted by any beneficiary or individual named as a personal representative in the decedent's will. It's crucial that the petition is verified and signed by the surviving spouse, if there is one.

If you possess the original will of the person who has passed away, you're obligated by Florida Statute 732.901 to deposit it with the clerk of the circuit court that has jurisdiction over the estate. This should be done within 10 days of learning about the decedent's death. Before you go to the clerk's office, make sure to photocopy or scan the will for your own records. You may also need to bring a copy of the decedent's death certificate, as some clerks may require it.

Once you deposit the will, the clerk will provide you with a receipt and a file number, both of which you should keep in a secure place. These will be necessary for any future legal procedures, including filing your petition for summary administration. The process of depositing the will is generally free of charge. It's important to note that you cannot deposit or file the will with the clerk until after the testator has passed away.

If you're interested in learning how to prepare Florida summary administration forms, you can start by referring to Chapter 731 of the Florida Statutes. This chapter provides essential details on what information needs to be included in a petition for summary administration and related documents, such as establishing eligibility and listing the estate's assets and intended distribution.

You can also find resources on the clerk of court's website or other online legal platforms, which often provide templates and instructions for completing these forms. However, these resources should not be seen as a replacement for professional legal advice.

For a more reliable approach, consider consulting a qualified probate attorney or document preparation service. These professionals can help ensure that your forms are accurately prepared and meet all legal requirements, reducing the risk of delays or complications in the summary administration process.

The timeline for a Florida Summary Administration can vary widely, depending on several factors including the court's workload, the county's operational efficiency, and other seasonal variables like holidays. Some applicants have received signed orders in as little as a week, while others have waited up to 7 months for completion.

Upon successful review of the petition(s), the court will issue orders to distribute the estate's assets and possibly determine the homestead property's status. The exact procedures for submitting these orders to the judge can differ from one jurisdiction to another, so it's crucial to be aware of local rules and guidelines.

Given these variables, it's challenging to predict an exact timeline, but being thorough and accurate in your paperwork can help expedite the process.

Absolutely, navigating the probate process, even under simplified procedures like a summary administration, can be fraught with complexities and potential pitfalls.

**Limited Authority of Petitioner**: Unlike a court-appointed personal representative in a formal administration, a petitioner in a summary administration does not have the legal authority to perform several tasks such as managing assets or digging deeper into the estate's financials. This can be restrictive when dealing with institutions that hold the decedent's assets.

**Unawareness of Complete Asset Picture**: Often, families are not entirely aware of the decedent’s financial portfolio. In a summary administration, since you don't have the authority to require disclosure from financial institutions, there's a risk of overlooking assets.

**Legal Complexities**: Probate law can be complex and multifaceted, requiring specialized knowledge. While document preparation services may provide a cheap alternative to hiring an attorney, they cannot offer the same level of expertise or take responsibility for errors or omissions that can have severe implications.

**Tax Considerations**: Dealing with the IRS can be another complicated area. Estate tax returns may need to be filed, and any errors in these can result in financial penalties or legal repercussions.

**Beneficiaries & Stakeholders**: When minors or incapacitated individuals are beneficiaries, special care must be taken. Likewise, if there are potential disputes among heirs, a summary administration may not be sufficient to deal with these issues.

**Property Complications**: If the estate includes real property, there could be issues related to homestead laws and other legal complications such as foreclosures, which could make summary administration unsuitable.

Given these potential pitfalls, consulting a probate attorney specialized in Florida laws can be invaluable. They can provide tailored advice, guide you through the intricacies, and help you make informed decisions to manage any risks effectively.

Yes, a petitioner in a Florida summary administration does not have the same legal authority as a court-appointed personal representative in a formal administration. This means they are restricted in their ability to manage assets, inquire about additional assets, or handle complex legal matters related to the estate.

Not knowing the complete asset portfolio can be risky because a petitioner in a summary administration doesn't have the authority to compel financial institutions to disclose information. This means that some assets could be overlooked, which might complicate the distribution process and potentially lead to legal issues.

No, document preparation services cannot offer the same level of expertise or take responsibility for legal errors or omissions. Probate law is complex, and it's advisable to consult a specialized probate attorney to navigate the legal intricacies effectively.

Estate tax returns may need to be filed, and any errors in these can result in financial penalties or legal repercussions. Dealing with the IRS can be complex, and specialized knowledge is often required.

When minors or incapacitated individuals are involved, special legal provisions often have to be made, which can add complexity to the probate process. A summary administration may not be equipped to handle these issues adequately.

Yes, if the estate includes real property, issues related to homestead laws and potential legal complications like foreclosures could make a summary administration unsuitable.

Yes, it can be necessary. Particularly if the decedent has passed away within the last two years, many courts will require proof that funeral expenses and other end-of-life costs have been paid. Some courts may also ask for evidence of payment for medical expenses incurred in the last six months before the decedent's death.


For a summary administration in Florida, you'll commonly need the following forms:

  1. Petition for Summary Administration - Testate (if there's a will)
  2. Petition for Summary Administration - Intestate (if there's no will)
  3. Petition to Determine Homestead Status of Real Property
  4. Proposed Order Determining Homestead Status of Real Property
  5. Joinder, Waiver, and Consent
  6. Proposed Order Admitting Will to Probate (if applicable)
  7. Oath of Witness (if applicable)
  8. Affidavit of Heirs
  9. Notice to Creditors
  10. Formal Notice
  11. Affidavit Concerning Criminal History
  12. Miscellaneous Forms Required by Local Courts

It's essential to verify these requirements as they can vary by jurisdiction and case-specific needs. Always consult local court rules or a qualified attorney to ensure you're filing all necessary documents.

The "Notice to Creditors" is a legal notice published in a newspaper that alerts creditors of the estate that they have a limited time to make claims against the estate. In a summary administration, this notice is generally not required, but specific circumstances may warrant it. Consult local court rules or legal guidance for your particular situation.

Yes, you can initiate a summary administration for a non-resident decedent if they owned real property in Florida. The petition would usually be filed in the county where the decedent's real property is located.  This is referred to as an ancillary summary administration.

Court filing fees can vary depending on the county and the complexity of the estate. It's best to consult the website of the local Clerk of Court or call their office to get the most current fee schedule.

In most cases, court filing fees in Florida are around $345.

While it's not mandatory, obtaining the consent of all beneficiaries can make the process smoother. In the absence of consent, the court may require additional steps, such as formal notice, to protect the interests of all parties.

If the estate has more debts than assets, it is considered insolvent. In such cases, Florida law provides a specific order in which creditors are to be paid. Summary administration may not be appropriate for insolvent estates, and formal administration may be necessary.

Yes, you can petition the court to switch from a summary administration to a formal administration if circumstances change or if you find that the estate does not meet the criteria for a summary administration.

Yes, amendments can usually be made to a filed petition for summary administration, although there may be additional fees or requirements. Consult your local court rules for guidance.

If a beneficiary disputes the summary administration, the court may decide to move the case to a formal administration, or the disputing beneficiary may be allowed to present their case before the court decides on the matter.

In summary administration, real estate can usually be sold if all interested parties agree to the sale and the court approves it. The process may require additional forms and a court hearing.

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