Unlocking the Future: An Introduction to Affordable Relative, Grandparent, and Stepparent Adoption Services in Florida

Big on Love but Short On Money? You're Not Alone

Life can be unpredictable, and when children are involved, the stakes are even higher. Reaching a positive outcome in challenging family situations often demands substantial effort, careful planning, and the unwavering dedication of a loving family.  

Lacking financial resources shouldn’t prevent you from achieving your dream of uniting as a family through adoption, especially when you have an abundance of love to offer.

Get Started! – Questionnaires for Florida Adoptions

Embracing Adoption: Our Pledge to Your Family From Ours

At Florida Family Adoptions, our passion lies in adoption. As a family-owned business, we want to extend our promise to your family by providing comprehensive adoption services throughout Florida.

We understand that adoption can be a complex process, which is why we are committed to working with you and your family to ensure that all necessary documents and forms are properly prepared. We offer a range of adoption services for adopting grandchildren, adopting close relatives, stepparent adoption, and adult adoption.  These are private adoptions under Florida Statutes Chapter 63. We do not work with DCF adoptions.

Grandparent Adoption Orange County
Our assistance facilitated the finalization of this grandparent adoption in Orange County back in August 2019. Grandparents adopting their grandchildren is the most frequent adoption scenario we encounter. There are a significant number of grandparents taking on the role of raising their grandchildren in Florida.

Comprehensive Adoption Services at Florida Family Adoptions

At Florida Family Adoptions, our services extend beyond the mere preparation of documents. We also assist in coordinating with birth parents, if necessary, to secure their adoption consents, and take charge of electronically filing your case with the court as well as coordinating any service of process that may be required.

If you are dealing with a birthparent that cannot be located, our licensed private investigator can conduct the type of diligent search that the Florida courts require.

Our expertise lies in the complexities of family adoption in Florida, and we provide ongoing procedural and clerical support to ensure a hassle-free adoption journey until your adoption is finalized.

Our exceptional, all-inclusive pro se family adoption service is unmatched anywhere in Florida. No matter where you reside in the state, we are dedicated to ensuring that your pro se adoption journey is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Adopt a Relative, Grandchildren, or Stepchildren in Florida?

Florida Grandparent Adoption
Another Florida Family Adoptions success story. We loved working with this lovely family as they gained permanency through a grandparent adoption.

In most instances, no. While lawyers or adoption agencies are necessary for non-relative newborn and DCF adoptions in Florida, it’s crucial to be aware of alternatives for grandparent, close relative, stepparent, and adult adoptions, commonly referred to as Florida Kinship Adoptions.

If your situation qualifies, choosing non-lawyer options can help you avoid expensive legal fees while achieving the same desired result.

Am I Eligible and Qualified to Adopt?

If a relative within the third degree of family relation (e.g., grandparent, great-grandparent, sibling, aunt, or uncle) can obtain agreement and consent from the parents, a relative/grandchild adoption in Florida can proceed smoothly through the courts and be finalized quickly after a brief hearing before a judge.

Similarly, if you are a married stepparent looking to adopt your stepchild, and the non-adopting parent is willing to sign a document consenting to the adoption, a complete stepparent adoption package can be presented to the court and finalized as an uncontested matter after a brief hearing.

It’s not always necessary to obtain written consent from the birth parents to complete your adoption. Please read our post on adopting without parental adoption consents.

Adopting grandchildren without a lawyer in Florida.
Life can be unpredictable, and when children are involved, the stakes are high. Reaching a positive outcome in challenging family situations often demands substantial effort, careful planning, and the unwavering dedication of a loving family. Florida Family Adoptions helped make this family's dreams come true.

Do Both Birth Parents Need to Consent to Adoption?

In cases of relative, grandparent, or stepparent adoption, a petition can be filed with the court even if one or both birth parents do not consent to the adoption. We have supported numerous families in this situation with the preparation of their adoption documents, and most of these cases have been successfully resolved.

However, some family adoption cases involving non-consenting parents can become more difficult, and pro se parties may eventually need an attorney’s assistance to finalize the adoption.  A skilled Florida adoption attorney is capable of successfully finalizing most adoptions and providing legal advice and guidance in situations where consent from one or both parents has not been obtained.

Please read our post on proving abandonment by non-consenting birth parents.

If you decide to engage an attorney to initiate or finalize a Florida family adoption, we recommend selecting an adoption attorney who is board certified in adoption law. Adoption is a highly specialized area of family law, and not all attorneys, even family law practitioners, are familiar with its many intricacies.

When the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) is Involved with Your Children

Involvement with DCF can be severe and can have detrimental effects on your adoption plans.

If you currently have or anticipate DCF involvement, we recommend reading this blog post for further guidance.  You may be running out of time.

Here is another blog dealing with DCF involvement you may find informative.

Starting Your Adoption Process Pro Se in Florida: Your Options

If you’ve decided to begin your adoption process pro se, without an attorney, Florida Family Adoptions offers a range of services to help. We will prepare all the necessary legal documents and forms for your case based on the information you provide in writing via our online questionnaires.

We will guide you through the clerical process step by step, from start to finish, and even electronically file your case for you. Our team will remain available to provide you with procedural and practical support throughout your journey until your adoption is finalized.

In Florida, no other document preparation services offer the added value that we do. Discover what sets us apart from the rest.

It’s important that you understand that we are not a law firm.  Florida Family Adoptions cannot advocate for you, represent you, or appear in court.  It’s important that you read our disclosure from nonlawyers.

A Legacy of Successful Adoptions Since Our Inception in 2014

Since our founding in 2014, we have had the honor of assisting numerous Florida families in achieving their adoption dreams, despite facing financial constraints. It’s always a joy when our customers call to inform us that their case has been approved and scheduled for a final hearing without any issues. Witnessing a family coming together is deeply fulfilling, and we treasure the opportunity to help children attain permanency in a secure, affectionate, and stable environment.

We would be thrilled to assist you in accomplishing your adoption objectives. Please contact us today to discuss the non-lawyer adoption document preparation services that Florida Family Adoptions offers.

Florida Relative Adoption Forms
"Florida Family Adoptions' owners, Mari and John, pose with a lovely family in Seminole County. Did you know we're experts in newborn relative adoptions? We've helped numerous families bring their babies home directly from the hospital, thanks to our proficient understanding of procedures and collaboration with hospital social workers."

Flat-Fee Services

We offer a comprehensive set of flat-fee services for Florida grandchild/relative, stepparent, or adult adoption, including:

  • Preparation of a complete set of properly filled-out adoption forms
  • Creation of additional requested court documents or forms
  • Coordination of birthparent meetings, if required to obtain consents
  • Acquisition of Florida Putative Father Registry Search Certificate(s)
  • Assistance with conducting a diligent search for unlocated or absent parties
  • Filing of your case with the circuit court
  • Management of in-state or out-of-state service of process (Service of Summons)
  • Management of Service of Process by Publication if required
  • Preparation of all documents and proposed orders necessary for finalizing your Florida adoption
  • Free remote online notarization (RON) for petitioner and birthparent documents
  • Unlimited phone support for procedural and clerical assistance until the completion of your adoption

Please note that our fee does not cover court filing fees or the expenses related to serving a summons. Most Florida courts charge $400 to file a private adoption, and you may qualify for a waiver of the filing fees.

Florida Temporary or Concurrent Custody by Extended Family Members

If adoption doesn’t align with your current circumstances or you’re not prepared to take that significant step, obtaining a court order for Temporary or Concurrent Custody by Extended Family could be a more appropriate alternative to achieve your objectives. Many grandparents and other families in Florida have opted for this path.  We provide pro se services for this option.

Florida Temporary Custody by Extended Family Members
Sometimes life takes a turn and puts you in situations that you did not anticipate.

Introducing Marilsa (Mari) Bayne, Owner of Florida Family Adoptions

Florida Relative Adoption Low Cost
Marilsa Bayne

Hi, I’m Marilsa Bayne, but you can call me Mari. As a co-founder of Florida Family Adoptions, I work directly with my team to prepare and file your Florida grandchild/relative adoption, stepparent adoption, or adult adoption documents.  I look forward to meeting and working with you and your family.

My mission is to provide quality, non-lawyer adoption document preparation services to Florida residents from coast-to-coast, particularly grandparents raising grandchildren. Our business operates lawfully and adheres to a strict Code of Ethics.

While I’m not an attorney, I’ve spent most of my adult life working for lawyers, mainly as an adoption paralegal or adoption program specialist. After a fulfilling career, my husband and I founded Florida Family Adoptions in 2014 to help families in need prepare Florida pro se adoption forms.

I was born in Caguas, Puerto Rico, and graduated from the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras. I began working in legal services in Connecticut in 1982 and continued in this field after moving to New York in 1987, until I relocated to Florida in 1997. Over the past 35+ years, I’ve primarily served in the legal community.

I’m proud of the work I’ve done to support the adoption community in Florida. During my career, I’ve been involved with various organizations that support the needs of children and families. From 2005 to 2010, I served as the Program Director on the Board of Jeremiah’s Child, a foster-care ministry, and from 2003 to 2009, I served on the Board of Directors of Mary’s Shelter, a maternity home for adoption-minded women in Altamonte Springs, Florida. 

This Orange County family's adoption was made possible with the assistance of Florida Family Adoptions. We've been directly involved with hundreds of Florida relative and stepparent adoptions since 2014.

From 2009 to 2011, I served as a director-at-Large for the Florida Adoption Council (FAC) and was the Chairperson for the annual adoption state conference committee from 2007 to 2011. 

On several occasions, I was honored to be invited by an adjunct professor at Barry School of Law in Orlando, Florida to lecture on Practical Adoption Procedures and Processing to law students enrolled in the Florida adoption law course. 

I’ve also conducted in-service training on adoption procedures at various hospitals and Clerk of Court offices. Additionally, I frequently speak to community organizations, such as Head Start, about adoption.

Pictured: Mari celebrates with new adoptive parents at the hospital. We are experienced with newborn private adoptions in hospital settings.

From 2006-2010, I served as the Director of Program Development for a prominent Florida adoption agency, where I had the opportunity to present adoption-themed training programs in Central Florida.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, weekend getaways, and spending time with my Chiweenie, the Dutchess Yazmin Gloriana. I’m passionate about animal welfare and strongly advocate for pet adoptions through rescue organizations and no-kill shelters.

Final Thoughts: Partner with Florida Family Adoptions for your Pro se Adoption Journey

At Florida Family Adoptions, we understand that adoption is a deeply personal and emotional journey for families. Our mission is to provide comprehensive nonlawyer adoption services to families throughout Florida, with a focus on relative, grandparent, stepparent, and adult adoptions.

As a family-owned business, we are committed to helping families achieve their adoption goals with care, compassion, and expertise.

We pride ourselves on offering a range of services that extend well beyond document preparation, including coordinating with birth parents, taking adoption consents, filing your case with the court, and providing ongoing procedural and clerical support until your adoption is finalized.

Our flat-fee services are designed to provide families with a hassle-free adoption experience, while avoiding unnecessary and often excessive legal fees.

You can get started by completing our questionnaire near the top of this page.

John Bayne, the co-owner of Florida Family Adoptions, is also a heartwarming client success story! At 58 years old in 2022, John learned that he was adopted at birth, and his birth mother, Jacqueline, was still living in the same town. They built a strong, loving bond and, in March 2023, Jacqueline adopted John back as her legal son. We are planning a blog post to share their incredible story. This photo captures John, Jacqueline, and Judge Warren after the adult adoption hearing in Daytona Beach.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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